Understanding Cyberspace Cartographies: A Critical Analysis of Internet Infrastructure Mapping
Martin Dodge, University of London, April 2008.
After a rather protracted and painful process the examiners of my PhD have just agreed the thesis has passed. If anyone is at all interested, you can download the whole thing (warning, its over 13 meg due to many images) or browse by chapter.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Delineating the Map
Chapter 3. Cyberspace Cartographies
Chapter 4. Imagining Internet Infrastructures
Chapter 5. Statistical Mapping of Internet Globalisation
Chapter 6. Marketing Maps of Internet Networks
Chapter 7. Conclusions: The Cartographic Imagination of Cyberspace
Appendix One: Building the Atlas of Cyberspaces
Appendix Two: Statistical Maps of the Internet Globalisation
Appendix Three: Network Marketing Maps from Website Survey
You write history! Congratulations!
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